
command strings executed in shell as array of characters

kevzettler opened this issue · 5 comments

I have the following iTermocil.yml file in my projects directory

  - name: client-dev
    root: ./
    command: yarn client-dev
  - name: server-dev
    root: ./
    command: yarn server-dev

When I execute itermocil iTerm opens 2 new tabs and executes the commands as semicolon delimited arrays of characters like:

Kevs-MBP-2:cra kev$ y; a; r; n;  ; c; l; i; e; n; t; -; d; e; v
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'


Kevs-MBP-2:cra kev$ y; a; r; n;  ; s; e; r; v; e; r; -; d; e; v
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'

This fails to actually execute the commands

This is

iTerm2: Build 3.1.6beta5 and

itermocil --version

@kevzettler Slow reply, sorry.

That is really weird. Did it work after an iTerm update?

I had to update the yaml to prefix the commands with a hyphen like:

  - name: client
      - yarn dev-client
  - name: server
    layout: even-vertical
      - yarn dev-server
      - nodemon build/server.js

@kevzettler I don't think this is resolved, it's just that you are using the commands instruction which takes a list instead of the command instruction that is supposed to take a single argument.

command: yarn server-dev

Should be the same as:

      - yarn server-dev

But as mentioned in the issue description, the command instruction will split the instruction into y; a; r; n; ; c; l; i; e; n; t; -; d; e; v.

So I think either the command instruction should be dropped or the bug should be fixed...

Never mind, I found #61 which links to the fix for the command instruction.