
A trivial TODO list; a course requirement for CodePath candidacy

Primary LanguageJava

Android TODO List

This is an application for maintaining a TODO list. It has been heavily extended from the project supplied to us more or less in copy and paste form during the two-hour CodePath session. Extensions include:

  • switched to SQLite for persistent storage;
  • factored out TODO items and the item list into separate model classes;
  • added a Date to TODO items;
  • created a custom layout for list view cells, which displays both the TODO's title and the relevant date, appropriately localised as per the user's selected calendar and time zone;
  • added editing of the date (both day/month/year and hour/minute);
  • added a checkbox to indicate whether a task has been completed, which can be toggled from the edit screen or from the list view.

Time spent: 6 hours plus two-hour session

Completed user stories

  • Required: add a task
  • Required: remove a task
  • Required: edit a task
  • Additional: persistence of list between launches
  • Additional: added dates and times for tasks
  • Additional: added a 'done' checkbox for tasks


There are two simple activities, one adaptor and a couple of model files. The CodePath TODO tutorial strongly influenced the main activity, with the Rotten Tomatoes tutorial being a source of inspiration for the adaptor. The two model classes — a TODO item and a TODO list — were, like the edit activity, self-written.

I factored out the list itself to a model object; it inherits directly from SQLiteOpenHelper which may not be ideal — it enshrines the idea there'll be only one of them. It's a singleton so that assumption has flowed deeper into the project. A custom adaptor acts both to surrender all list maintenance to the TODOList object and to provide my custom cell layout.

Add task walkthrough

Add task Walkthrough

Remove task walkthrough

Remove task Walkthrough

Edit task walkthrough

Edit task Walkthrough

Persistence walkthrough

Persistence Walkthrough

Toggle done walkthrough

Toggle done Walkthrough