
Apple II and II+ should not have automatic key repeat

ryandesign opened this issue · 0 comments

In Apple II and II+ emulation, if I press and hold a key, it automatically repeats, as we are accustomed to from most modern computers, however only the IIe and later actually have that capability. For authentic II and II+ emulation, pressing and holding a key should be no different from pressing and immediately releasing a key. To get the key to repeat, the REPT key must additionally be held. Clock Signal should define some other key on the modern computer's keyboard that's located near the Return key (maybe F11 since F12 is already assigned to RESET?) to emulate the REPT key.

Per the Apple II Reference Manual, page 7:

The REPT key, if pressed alone, produces a duplicate of the last code that was generated. If you press and hold down the REPT key while you are holding down a character key, it will act as if you were pressing that key repeatedly at a rate of 10 presses each second. This repetition will cease when you release either the character key or REPT.