Repository for DSA website files.

The project is a website made with Django. The objective of the website is the management of coding challenges between the DSA's member and to monitor their performance.

Features :

  • Managing challenges + levels + I/O files
  • Testing user outputs
  • Category and difficulty classement
  • User account and profile
  • User performance monitoring : score, rank, category

Future implementations :

  • Learning resources page
  • Staff page : for adding/managing learning resources, challenges
  • Making contest

Deployment :

  • verify the entrypoint.sh, and uncomment all needed command
  • Launch all docker containers

docker compose up -d

  • open the url localhost in a browser


  • to access the website with another device in the same LAN : ip-address-of-pc-server (ex :
    *Note : use the cmd command : "ipconfig -all" to see the ip-address

Administration page :

Go to the next url for database administration :
