
Some extra controls

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I really like the total slider. Particularly because it fits well with the Wordpress UI and it looks and feels like native Wordpress functionality . A couple of features I would like to see.

  • The option to omit title and description and/or have the text box hidden
  • Tile control of background image (as in CSS background attribute)
  • Hand drag positioning of the background image, this would simplify some of the tasks you describe in your tutorial video
  • Color selector RGBA for box text background color

When I get better at using github I'll try to help you out with code.

All the best

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your feedback! Some of these things are likely to be addressed with the templates that will be available in v1.1, some of these features may make it to v1.2, and others might be things that can be added to custom templates.

Could you submit each suggestion as an individual GitHub issue? This way, we can track the decisions, targeted release timing, which person is assigned and so on for each enhancement in its own little thread. All in one place, it's a bit more difficult to keep on top of everything.

Permit me to close this issue, and please do open some more for each of your bullet points! Thanks again.

Hi Peter, will do. I also read the help and discovered the template function which is ideal and covers would achieve some of what I described.
