
Feature suggestion: ability to omit title/description

Opened this issue · 4 comments

The option to omit title and description and/or have the text box hidden. It would be enough to allow the text boxes to be empty, and hide the text panel if that were the case.

Perhaps this is something that Total Slider templates will be able to enable and disable in the interface.

Description is now optional, but title is still required.

It's difficult I think to see how title could remain not required with the current way we are storing data in 2.0, but a slide template could disable the display of the title entirely where this was desired.

I think this is the best approach for the project at the moment -- leaving it up to templates to implement a lack of title if this is needed.

Technically, posts can be saved without a title. As long as TS isn't using the title anywhere to collect the slide list (which I don't believe it is, since it's taxonomy-based), it probably isn't strictly necessary to require it.

(I'll play around with this as soon as I update a site to 2.0. Just waiting on wpackagist to pick up the changes!)

Reopening this for my own memory, so I remember to take a look at the possibilities here.