
An unofficial PowerShell module for invoking the LastPass API

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


An unofficial PowerShell module for invoking the LastPass API


This project utilizes the PBKDF2.NET library by Michael Johnson licensed under the MIT License.


General Notes

When the module is first loaded, regardless of command, it will prompt you for your LastPass credentials or load your saved credentials and attempt to login. Saved credentials are encrypted so that only the same user account on the same machine can decrypt them.

Passwords of any type are never stored in plaintext anywhere. Your LastPass email and the contents of your session cookie are stored in plaintext as variables and on your disk if you use Save-LPData.

While the module is loaded, your entry names, URLs, usernames, and notes will be stored unencrypted in module-scoped PowerShell variables.


This command will return a PSCredential object for the best matching entry for a URL. If more than one entry exists that is equally specific (based on protocol, port number, directory, and query string) then they will all be returned unless you specify the "First" switch.

Get-LPCredential "https://example.com" -First

UserName         Password
--------         --------
username         System.Security.SecureString

You can also use this command (or its alias "lastpass") inline with other PowerShell commands that take a PSCredential parameter

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName server.example.com -Credential (lastpass server.example.com)


This command will return an array of all of your LastPass entries.

PS C:\Users\sevtuch> Get-LPAccounts | Where-Object Name -Like "*example*"

URL          : https://example.com/
ID           : 1234567890
Username     : username
Password     : System.Security.SecureString
Notes        : Same as the combination on my luggage
SecureNote   : 0
Name         : Example Site
Group        : Best sites ever
PSCredential : System.Management.Automation.PSCredential


This command will save your LastPass credentials, cookie, and encrypted vault to the %APPDATA% directory on your machine. Everything that is saved is encrypted with the exception of your LastPass email address, its PBKDF2 hash, and the cookie.
