
This project helps newbies to get started hosting docker with SSL based web sites (includes: Traefik, DDClient, WordPress, Portainer, etc...). More to be added as needed.

Primary LanguageShell

This is an image

Docker Assistant


What this will NOT do for you:

  • Teach you how to debug any issues you may have

You CANNOT move scripts between directories (if you do, learn to debug).

Your clone directory will contain ( I used:'./docker_assistant/')

  └── docker_assistant
       ├── custom_data - misc files used in a container setup
       ├── scripts     - re-usable code base (bash scripts)
       └── templates   - deployment container and scripts

Templates are deployed in two of the three directories off the ./docker_assistant/:

  └── docker_assistant
       ├── dev   not a deploy directory, this is where we try things out, or setup a degug environment.
       ├── lan   1 local area network, no intarnet access, only intranet (local lan) via a whitelist (wan access will receive a not authorized)
       └── wan   2 wide area network, accessible from internet and intranet

Each template will have a dedicated folder and deployment script

Naming standard should be {PACKAGE_NAME}-{VERSION}

  • i.e. Template: 'whoami' is deployed using the script 'whoami.sh'

Every template will contain the below set of scripts (no description as they are self explanatory)

Currently, these do not have any parameters, so no -h option If the deployment package does not support something, a message will be diplayed when executed

  └── docker_assistant
       └── {lan or wan}
            └── {container_name}
                ├── attach.sh
                ├── down.sh
                ├── env.sh
                ├── log.error.sh
                ├── log.standard.sh
                ├── log.tail.sh
                ├── restart.sh
                └──  up.sh

You can execute these by doing:

sudo ./{script}.sh
sudo ./up.sh

Follow this Set Me Up page to get going


More projects at: ToolboxAid.com.

Docker external network access meaning:

  • external: false # prevents talking to other containers (creates new network for exe)
  • external: true # allows talking to other containers (used defined network in docker-compose)