
shaclc: missing property shape

VladimirAlexiev opened this issue · 1 comments

Possibly related to #92.


PREFIX nom:      <>
PREFIX nomo:     <>
PREFIX nomShape: <>

PREFIX rdf:      <>
PREFIX skos:     <> 
PREFIX skosxl:   <> 
PREFIX xsd:      <>

shape nomShape:concept {
  class = skos:Concept
  targetSubjectsOf = skos:inScheme.
  skos:inScheme hasValue=nom:
    message="All concepts must be in the nom: concept scheme" [1..1].
  nomo:level xsd:integer minInclusive=1 maxInclusive=6 !lessThanOrEquals=[skos:broader nomo:level]
    message="(Non-top) concepts must have level that is greater than its parent's level" [1..1].
  skos:topConceptOf|skos:broader  hasValue=nom:|@nomShape:parentConcept
    message="Concepts must either have skos:topConcept pointing to the nom: scheme, or have a parent that's in the same scheme" [1..1].
  skos:prefLabel rdf:langString uniqueLang=true
    message="Concepts can have only one preferred label per language" [1..*].   
  skos:prefLabel rdf:langString languageIn=["en"]
   message="There must be a preferred label in English" [1..1].
  skos:prefLabel rdf:langString languageIn=["fr"]
   message="There must be a preferred label in French" [1..1].
  skos:altLabel  rdf:langString.  

shape nomShape:parentConcept {
  class = skos:Concept.
  skos:inScheme hasValue=nom: [1..1].

Is converted to a SHACL where the property of the second shape is lost:

        a            sh:NodeShape ;
        sh:class     skos:Concept ;
        sh:property  []  .

If I swap the textual order of the two SHACLC shapes, then one prop from the bigger shape is lost.

This uses the shaclconvert CLI described in #92

SHACLC support has been deleted from this TopBraid SHACL API because Jena already supports it. I suggest you create a new ticket on