Scripts that are used in Jenkins jobs.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Add or remove entries from a proxy-structured datBabag.
Options: --url TEXT URL of server you're trying to add --environment [staging|production] 'staging' or 'production' --add Add this entry to the proxy bag --remove Remove this entry from the proxy bag --auth Adds an auth screen --www-force Forces the url to rewrite to www.* --ssl-force Force a rewrite to https --ssl TEXT String that lines up with the SSL entry in the auth databag --help Show this message and exit.
At minimum, you need to have these flags defined: ./ --server --environment --add ./ --server --environment --remove
Usage: [OPTIONS]
Get the list of servers for an environment
Options: --server TEXT Name of the server you would like to add/remove --environment [staging|production] 'staging' or 'production' --add --remove --help Show this message and exit. ./ --url --environment --add ./ --url --environment --remove