
`libmamba` cannot resolve conda file

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Attempted to install following directions on the quickstart page. libmamba reported it was unable to resolve the environment due to pytorch-cuda>=11.7. Relaxed restriction to pytorch-cuda>=11.6 and was able to install the environment and execute the gentle introduction notebook (I did have to pip install tensorboard as well).

I'm not sure if this is particular to my machine (Windows 10, Version 22H2), processor (NVIDIA RTX A2000) and driver (537.58) or not, but the modified env spec is:

name: tsl
  - pytorch
  - pyg
  - nvidia                    # remove for cpu installation
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - python=3.10
  - pytorch
  - pytorch-cuda>=11.6        # remove for cpu installation
  - pyg
  - pytorch-scatter
  - pytorch-sparse
  - lightning
  - pip
  - pip:
      - einops
      - hydra-core
      - numpy>1.20.3
      - omegaconf
      - pandas>=1.4
      - PyYAML
      - scikit-learn
      - scipy
      - tables
      - tensorboard
      - torchmetrics>=0.7
      - tqdm

Hi Greg, I recently faced the same problem when re-installing the environment, I think it's due to some update in some of our dependencies. Thanks for the suggestion, we'll update the requirements accordingly!