
Planned Feature -- Harvest IPs for banning.

Opened this issue · 16 comments

  1. Harvest IPs of people who are banned and people who connect with global bans.
  2. Ban any GUIDs that connect from those IPs.
  3. Profit.

This is better than IP banning simply because they will exhaust their GUIDs before they realize that their IP is banned as well as their GUID.

I run one of the more popular private hives and many many times have seen someone with a global ban connect on a different guid and immediately start hacking. I've also had situations where we didn't ban an IP (only the guid) and they just connected with another guid and starting hacking again.

This functionality is pretty much the ultimate FU to hackers IMO.

Ironically there is another feature request to limit IP bans to 72 hours. We've had the same exact hackers (player names identical) try to connect to our server for months after being banned because many ISPs have incredibly long DHCP lease times. DayZ/ARMA2 aren't that popular enough that you would ever really run the risk of banning some other innocent person connecting on that same IP. If they do then they can appeal.

Will look into adding this, won't be realtime as server console logs aren't updated very often.
Looks to be only when a buffer gets full does it flush it to a file.

As for ip ban length, u will be able to set the length in the config file.
or set it for forever or set how many hours u want the ban for.

Look forward to it, even though not realtime its better than nothing :)

My server should be back up & running tomorrow...
Currently server is running linux & arma, just need to update arma + setup it up..

But i am currently lacking in server logs atm..
Anyone have examples of server console logs with
Battleye Global Bans
Game Hack Kicks

U can XXXX out the ip's / player id's / guids etc....
Just need the start -> end, so i can add in code to parse for it...


Want to message me and I can send you mine, maybe on IRC?

@Torndeco. I have that same problem with my server_console.log not always being written (some times 30 minutes behind). I really do think its a server/arma2 issue because I've run on other systems that DO NOT exhibit this issue and it appears to be not very common.

Yeah server console log lags abit behind......
Arma doesn't seem to update the log file until it an internal buffer is filled / time limit reached.
Another annoyance is they use different char encodings in the log file aswell :/

Nothing i can do about it unfortantely.

Ideally need to code a rcon bot to provide realtime monitoring of people getting kicked for bans / game hacks.

Gonna close this....
Never did get any server logs in over a week

Sorry mate, been in the middle of migrating servers to new servers and been flat out. I got ur message on IRC I think but haven't had a chance to send you logs (or have any still :( )

If you want I can send you logs but what did you want? Do you mean players joining and leaving logs? That's if your still willing to work on this, as this a must have feature :p

Need a logfile with example of players leaving / joining and that has a
GLOBAL BAN player getting kicked + if possible
a GAME HACK kick aswell...

Code is almost done.
Will have it committed in time for weekend.

Arma2OA doesn't insert a newline @ server startup causing the first line in rpt log to get mangled.
Not sure how to avoid this issue nicely...

So will just add requirement that u need to rotate / remove server console + rpt logs @ server startup to avoid the problem


suggestions as to how to rotate it?

If pyBEscanner is scanning the logs it will be making a backup...

So all u will need todo is alter the way u restart the servers...
Before u launch the server, just delete the rpt & console logs

And if scan logs is turned on but it isn't backing up the .rpt?

I checked the location is correct in the .conf, and server.log and chatlogs work fine. Only just noticed the issue

I think arma trims the log files itself, once they reach a certain size...
Next time u restart your servers, move / delete the server console / rpt files...

Then restart the server and see if pyBEscanner backs up the files then..

FYI. I've been spending some time talking to Dwarden on IRC the last few evenings and I brought up the issue with the server_console.log writes being cached (making realtime parsing not possible). He shot an email to one of the programmers to ask him about it! :) So hopefully we'll know why it happens or if they even know that it's a bug. It's really strange because I've had servers (windows 2008 r2) boxes that do it and some that don't.