- 1
- 8
Unplayed games - factor issues
#34 opened by Hughesy - 0
Use Github Actions
#33 opened by Torvaney - 8
error with broom
#32 opened by minor-ls - 1
Dixon-Robinson predict method
#24 opened by Torvaney - 3
Can't create table of scoreline probabilities without dixoncoles class object
#31 opened by hrmantovani - 5
DixonColes error message
#30 opened by R-L-Plates - 6
Dixoncoles really really slow
#29 opened by augihol - 1
Create a package site
#19 opened by Torvaney - 5
- 0
Correct old blogs and documentation
#27 opened by Torvaney - 0
Speed up dixoncoles tests
#28 opened by Torvaney - 0
- 0
Include example goal-times data
#26 opened by Torvaney - 0
Broom model methods
#25 opened by Torvaney - 0
Dixon-Robinson fit
#20 opened by Torvaney - 4
broom model methods
#14 opened by Torvaney - 2
Warnings after fit
#23 opened by OMalytics - 2
- 0
Add standard errors to parameter estimates
#11 opened by Torvaney - 0
Summary of fitted dixoncoles model
#12 opened by Torvaney - 0
- 1
Use rsample > modelr
#17 opened by Torvaney - 0
Return tibbles
#16 opened by Torvaney - 0
CI for Windows
#2 opened by Torvaney - 1
Time-discount functions
#10 opened by Torvaney - 1
Use tidyeval > lazyeval
#18 opened by Torvaney - 0
#15 opened by Torvaney - 0
- 5
Dixon-Coles model class
#4 opened by Torvaney - 1
- 2
Support for arbitrary weighting
#3 opened by Torvaney - 2
Unable to install with soccermatics
#8 opened by Torvaney - 1
Add Ranked Probability Score (RPS) metric
#7 opened by ElSaico - 0
Function to coerce team names into factors
#5 opened by Torvaney