
Compile error: Invalid outside procedure

fireextinguisher opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I followed instructions, but received Compile error: Invalid outside procedure.

Following lines are highlighted with red font in code editor:
Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} FolderSelectBox
OleObjectBlob = "FolderSelectBox.frx":0000


What version of Outlook are you using? Also is it 32bit or 64bit?


thank you for reply. I use Outlook 2013 32bit. I've actually managed to start macros. Problem was with frm file. It was loading into deparate module and form itself was not imported. So I've removed all source code from the frm file and imported the form. After that I manually copied source code into form object.


Thanks for letting me know. It really needs some work but I've not any spare time at the moment.

Other issues open with same error.