
Request for Task-Level Parallelism Configuration in Future Nuccassker Release

arjun-guptha opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello team,
Currently, in Nussknacker, parallelism can only be configured for the entire Flink job and cannot be set at the task level within the job. Can we anticipate the inclusion of this feature in a future release?

jzdr commented

Hello arjun-guptha,
We believe it would be a useful feature. However it's not a priority at the moment and is not on our road map.
If you have a particular use case which requires setting parallelism per node (task), please contact us at We might make it a premium feature and speed up the development.

Hi @jzdr, could you please provide an update on the feature request related to configuring parallelism on a per-node (task) basis in Nuccassker?

jzdr commented

Hello arjun-guptha,
There are no new developments. We still see this as a useful feature but we have no concrete plans regarding the implementation.