This repo is for collecting an sharing HTML image maps of PCBs where all/key components were removed, measured and documented in the image map.

Primary LanguageHTML


This project is a public repository for my repair endeavours, where I store my analysis of device PCBs. I've searched for a long time for a nice format in which PCB debuging and analysis data can easily, visually and conveniently be stored. High resolution images, stitched together from microscope images, overlayed with an HTML image map can easily be viewed with any webbrowser and deliver the information when the mouse hovers over a certain area of the image.

There are multiple projects on the internet where one can create such an image map oneself. Active areas can be drawn, redrawn and moved and any information can be added and consequently viewed when hovering over this selective area. These web based tools could also be downloaded for offline use with httrack on Linux in the terminal.