
Bethesda Launcher is installed but the plugin doesn't recognize it

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there. As the title says, i have the launcher already installed on my system and i have successfully connected it with this plugin through gog galaxy 2.0 client. The problem is that when i hit on "play" it will open the browser instead pointing me on this page:

It's something like the plugin can't recognize the client which is already installed. The only thing to add is that i've installed it in a custom path and not the default one.

Another note to add is that if i manually run the command to start the game, it runs without any problems:

start bethesdanet://run/5

@graphixillusion Please send me your logs from C:\ProgramData\\Galaxy\logs folder

@TouwaStar here's the plugin's log:


Maybe the error is becouse the plugin checks for this key path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Bethesda Softworks\

which is invalid. I have this path in:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bethesda Softworks\

@TouwaStar any news about it?