
Says I own Doom Eternal when I don't

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The ownership status for these games are accurate except for Doom Eternal which showed up a few days ago despite me not purchasing it anywhere. Attempting to install it opens the launcher and prompts me to redeem a code.

I am similarly having this issue with Doom Eternal showing up despite my not owning it.
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I'm curious if having twitch prime awards for the game causes it to show up as owned when it isn't. I did have some.

By the way I own the game on steam now, so this isn't too much a problem to me anymore, but the twitch prime stuff may be notable?

Eldaw commented

Same issue for me. Says I own 'Doom Eternal', when I don't.

Also, 'DOOM 64' is listed as 'Doom 64 (Pre Order)'.