
Issues with redirecting back to galaxy after login

Opened this issue ยท 15 comments

mo35 commented

As subj. says , you can log in just fine , but you land and stay on bethesdas page and not getting bounced back to galaxy

I don't have much to add, in terms of assisting, but I am having the same issue as mo35, as well.

I also have this issue. It also seems that I have to connect every few days.

Just to be clear: Not only does it not automatically close the window after a successful login, because you have to manually close the window, GOG does not see this as a successful login so the integration stays disconnected. So the integration is completely broken.

@yo1dog That is exactly the problem I am facing as well. I just hope Bethesda closes its god-awful launcher and just integrates everything into the Xbox app now.

Updated per #21. Working here

Any idea when this PR will be merged and released, @cyroth?

Sorry @shivangswain but no idea. Not my repo and I'm not a contributor so I don't have write. I just tested that fix locally.
Overwrite in %localappdata%\\Galaxy\plugins\installed\bethesda_(redacted)

I did try it as well and it did work as expected. Now only for the maintainers to merge it.

still having this issue!

Nevermind, got it to work!

mo35 commented

i still having issues to log in , basically it autocloses 2FA window before im able to enter code

merged the pr, let me know if the issue is resolved now.
Sorry for the late action, i am not actively visiting github lately

i still having issues to log in , basically it autocloses 2FA window before im able to enter code

I'm having the same issue. 2FA window appears and then closes a second later before I can enter the code.

Having this issue as well. The 2FA window closes most of the time before I can even click the send code link and even if I am quick and click the link, the window then closes before I can receive the code.

mo35 commented

disabled mfa for test , works fine , but thats not the solution