
Json Data

fabix683 opened this issue · 1 comments

hi, from a site through a http link I receive the following message
{" SDTE ": 1619678077000," I1V ": 0," I1A ": 0," I1P ": 0," I2V ": 0," I2A ": 0 , "I2P": 0, "I3V": 0, "I3A": 0, "I3P": 0, "I4V": 0, "I4A": 0, "I4P": 0, "G1V": 0, " G1A ": 0," G1P ": 1200," G2V ": 0," G2A ": 0," G2P ": 0," G3V ": 0," G3A ": 0," G3P ": 0," FRQ " : 0, "EFF": 0, "INVT": 0, "BOOT": 0, "SSR": 0, "PMAXOTD": 0, "PMAXOTDTIME": 0, "timestamp": "29 \ / 04 \ / 2021 08:34:37 "," rice ": 0," ileak ": 0," awdate ":" -: - "}

Is it possible to display the values of G1P and INVT on the touchbar?
Thank you

@fabix683 you need to install something as jq CLI tool and then you'll be able to easily parse JSON using shell script with something as curl <url_here> | jq ." G1P ".