Hey Thank you
mbaneshi opened this issue · 12 comments
It is not clear what should we do to activate it. I run the bash script.
Now `~/.config/nvims/exists and it has 2 files;
.rw-r--r-- 1.2k mac 20 Dec 14:01 neovim_distros
.rw-r--r-- 35 mac 20 Dec 14:08 nvim_appnames
So what is the next?
run nvims
in your terminal. Select which distro to run and press enter :)
@pwnwriter is correct.
Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyJX55Zf99k&t=6s
Keep the following in mind:
- install nvims
- After nvims, should be in your path, so run nvims, if not you need to adjust your path.
- Select the distro. It will bootstrap itself.
- After installing a distro, you need a new shell that has sourced ~/.config/nvims/nvim_appnames
- nvim-traap should now work.
Do you have fzf installed or not?
Nothing to choose
Please show screenshot.
What's up with your neovim_distros file?
Do cat
cat ~/.config/nvims/neovim_distros
cat ~/.config/nvims/neovim_distros took 6s 22:37 ❯
# Define Neovim applications you want to experiment with.
# The repository cloned must bootstrap itself. In otherwords, clone and nvim
# is all tha tis needed.
# alias | Github repository | default or branch name
readonly neovim_distros=(
"astro | AstroNvim/AstroNvim | default"
"asyncedd | asyncedd/dots.nvim | default"
"barebones | Traap/barebones | default"
"baretmux | Traap/barebones | tmux"
"default | none | none"
"exos | exosyphon/nvim | none"
"kickstart | nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim | default"
"lervag | lervag/dotnvim | default"
"nvchad | NvChad/NvChad | default"
"nvconf | TechnicalDC/NvConf | default"
"prime | Traap/init.lua | default"
"starter | LazyVim/starter | default"
"traap | Traap/nvim | default"
"vapour | Traap/VapourNvim | default"
"void | nvoid-lua/nvoid | default"
"xray | Traap/nvim | v0.9.5-lazyvim"
"zero | Traap/lazy.zero | default"
"zulu | Traap/nvim | v0.6.8-packer"
"OVIwrite | MiragianCycle/OVIWrite | default"
@mbaneshi I do not have a MacOSX machine. We might be running into difference in bash interperters.
Code change for debugging
Sample Output
Post an image.
yes , alias output not works , my default Shell is fish , I clone repo with git clone , and did the rest , and also change mentioned line for debug , at the end there is no output.
I did same for bash , yet no out put .
bash-5.2$ bash --version
GNU bash, version 5.2.21(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin20.6.0)
Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software; you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Interesting. I'm not sure how to help you get bash setup on the max. I did check the code for any non-standard compatibility issues with GNU Bash and found nothing. I did updated line 1 to use the system default interpreter for bash.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
I do not expect this to correct your issue.