Generic server example without manual buffer serializaiton?
criatura2 opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi again,
I am wondering which of your examples should I use to implement an async server in a way that it supports multiple kinds of messages but does not require me to serialize buffers manually like in the generic server example.
The multi-threaded-server seems like a good start but uses only one type of message namely HelloReply
In your proto file you would typically define a Service with multiple endpoints, like in the example. Then for each GrpcContext you register your request handler for each endpoint:
void register_handlers(agrpc::GrpcContext& grpc_context, example::v1::Example::AsyncService& service)
auto register_handler = [&](auto request_function, auto handler)
agrpc::repeatedly_request(request_function, service, asio::bind_executor(grpc_context, handler));
[&](grpc::ServerContext&, example::v1::Request&,
grpc::ServerAsyncResponseWriter<example::v1::Response>&) -> asio::awaitable<void>
[&](grpc::ServerContext&, example::v1::Request&,
grpc::ServerAsyncWriter<example::v1::Response>&) -> asio::awaitable<void>
grpc::ServerAsyncReader<example::v1::Response, example::v1::Request>&) -> asio::awaitable<void>
grpc::ServerAsyncReaderWriter<example::v1::Response, example::v1::Request>&) -> asio::awaitable<void>
I hope that is what you were asking.
Regarding the generic server, I personally haven't had a use case for it but I know that someone experimented with haskell bindings for grpc and made use of it.
Ok, thanks. I suppose this example also work for when each service has a different message type?
Also, are you implying I need one grpc-context and threfore one thread for each service? In the generic example I am using only one grpc-context and threfore only one thread.
Correct, it also works for different message types. Interesting question, the documentation actually doesn't mention that and the examples use the same type for simplicity. I guess I could add an example for the official route guide.
You can have as many or few services and GprcContexts as you like. Have one context handle all services or multiple contexts handle multiple services, everything's possible.
Thanks, this is solved now.