
JSON as body response to 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes is not handled

tonyarnold opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently, JSON passed back as the response body from 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes is left as NSData. It would be helpful if this were handled in the same manner as non error status codes — my API passes relevant information about the error back in the body as JSON.

SVHTTPRequest looks for a application/json response MIMEType to determine whether or not it should automatically serialize it as a JSON object. AFAIK whether the response is 2xx or 4xx or 5xx shouldn't matter. Are you using a private REST API? Are you sure the 4xx and 5xx endpoints do have the content-type header set as application/json?

Ah, no, they did not. I've fixed the problem in the service, and all is well. Thanks, Sam!