My Collections should show Showing X to Y of Y entries
jupouta opened this issue · 2 comments
jupouta commented
Dashboard --> My Collections
The text You are a member of the following X collections: should also show how many entries are not shown (Showing X to Y of Y entries).
Now the user might have have 20 collections of which 5 are shown on the list but it still says You are a member of the following 20 collections:.
maxbry commented
Under the table, there is a sentence saying in my case 'Showing 1 to 5 of 6 entries'. Is that what you mean or do you want to have the message shown more prominently?
jupouta commented
Yes, that's what I mean. It should appear upper, at the same line with 'You are a member of the following X collections' cause now it's a bit confusing.