
Feature Suggestion for Fare Schema

mattaustin222 opened this issue · 1 comments

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Currently there is no way of spatially varying transfer boarding fares. I would like to implement something similar to the 'in_zone' tag in the initial boarding fare function. This would allow, for example, free transfers between YRT routes and TTC routes operating in York Region - something that is in place in reality but is currently not possible in the schema. I believe this should be feasible to incorporate, but there may be some edge cases I haven't considered.

If anyone wants to tackle this in the meantime, feel free. Otherwise, I will give it a try once I have some time.

Yeah, this doesn't sound too difficultto do. I don't have the time at the moment but I can suggest where intervention is needed:

  1. Read the "in_zone" tag when applying the rule Line 1370
  2. Add a conditional to check the link's zone Line 1373
  3. Add the new tag to the list of optional ones when validating the schema Line 624