Error while trying to shop by Economy and Business
sierovevhenii opened this issue · 3 comments
I tried to create Shop request in both (cabins: ['Economy', 'Business']) cabins. I get an error: "Error unmarshalling message body: Expected "{}PreferredCabins" end tag, found "{}CabinClass" start tag (line 21, col 58, in UTF-8)"
Could you please help me with this problem?
Best Regards,
Yevhenii Sierov.
Hello Yevhenii Sierov,
I don't think it is possible to query multiple cabin classes even though uapi-json cabins property accepts an array of cabin classes. As you can see from the image, it is only possible to query 1 cabin class only at a time. There are 2 options : PreferredCabins & PermittedCabins. PerferredCabins return an alternate cabin incase the cabin class you requested is not found / available , but PermittedCabins won't give you that flexibility.
For more information, checkout this
Thank You,
Yeabsira Gashaw
Dear @sierovevhenii do you have any other questions in this regards?
Hello team,
Thank you for response. I found such functionality in uapi-json and thought there was a way to do this.
Thank you,
Yevhenii Sierov.