
A liteweight javascript graph library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A liteweight javascript graph library.

Algorithms implemented so far

  • Dijkstra for shortest path
  • Bellman- Ford for shortest path ( Negative Cycle checking )
  • Johnson's for all pair shortest paths
  • Prim's Algorithm for minimum spanning tree of Undirected complete graph

To do Algorithms

  • Kruskal
  • Max Flow
  • Centrality
  • A * Search
  • DAG shortest path
  • Connected Components

How to contribute

  • Fork the repo and implement the algorithms in to do list.
  • If you find any bug just open an issue.
  • You can always contact me at @devenbhooshan on twitter.

How to use

  • Build the library by typing make from the root directory of graph.js.
  • A file named graph.js would be created in the folder build/
  • Done (ya!!!)
  • Sample code can be found in test folder


graph =new Graph(); // creates a graph
node1=graph.AddNode("India"); // creates a node
node2=graph.AddNode("Delhi"); // creates a node
node1.addEdge(node2);         // Adds an edge between node1 & node2
console.log(node1.adjList);   // returns all neighbouring nodes of nod1
console.log(node2.adjList);   // returns all neighbouring nodes of nod2
console.log(graph.nodes.length); // returns number of nodes in graph


var bfsTraversedNodes=bfs(graph); // returns a bfs traversal of graph
var dfsTraversedNodes=dfs(graph); // returns a dfs traversal of graph

Shortest Distance beween two nodes

dijkstra(graph,sourceNode,destinationNode); // returns shortest distance between source and destination nodes
bellman_ford(graph,node1,node6); // This function returns null if there exist negative cycle in the graph otherwise it gives the shortest distance between node1 and node6