URLs contain base path twice
zhichuny opened this issue · 1 comments
zhichuny commented
It seems like the operations generated from swagger parser already contains base path:
def get_paths_data(self):
"""Get data for each paths in the swagger specification.
Get also the list of operationId.
for path, path_spec in self.specification['paths'].items():
path = u'{0}{1}'.format(self.base_path, path)
However, in swagger_tester, before making request, it combines base path with what we got from swagger_parser again:
def get_url_body_from_request(action, path, request_args, swagger_parser):
"""Get the url and the body from an action, path, and request args.
action: HTTP action.
path: path of the request.
request_args: dict of args to send to the request.
swagger_parser: instance of swagger parser.
url, body, headers, files
url = u'{0}{1}'.format(swagger_parser.base_path, path)
So when making the request, url will be like:
cyprieng commented
Yes, you are right. It is because of a recent update of swagger_parser. I will fix it.