
roi generates from RPN unnormal

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Hi, did you train your code successfully? the rois genreates from RPN are not right at all:

roi origin:  [[933.   0. 933. 700.]
 [933.   0. 933.   0.]
 [933.   0. 933. 700.]
 [933.   0. 933.   0.]
 [  0.   0. 933.   0.]
 [  0. 700.   0. 700.]
 [  0.   0. 933.   0.]
 [  0. 700. 933. 700.]]

it has a lot zero coordinates, and the w, h calculated were also zeros mostly:

[  0. 933.   0. ... 933.   0.   0.]
[700. 700. 700. ...   0.   0. 700.]

What may caused this error?