

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Link to API.

  • All menu requests seem to work, except the Jansen's Dining Room one
  • Make the calendar API work like the menu API, where one can pass in either a comma-separated list or an ALL keyword to get all calendars in one request
  • Have the calendar API able to get multiple days, so for example can do smart things with time (late at night, show tomorrow's breakfast)

Have you seen projects like Seems like they could make this pretty simple. There's also Volley, in the android source itself, but according to RetroFit is waaay faster.

At first glance, Retrofit does seem really nice and clean. Bookmarked to look at it more later tonight. I would be totally up for a move if it fits our needs!

Update, see #14

mrkev commented

The issue with Jansen's/Bethe is on redapi. Will fix it this weekend 👍🏽

Thanks again! 👍

mrkev commented

Fixed the bug. New id is "jansens_dining_room_bethe_house".

Ah awesome thanks ^_^ closing issue!!