
turn node.js modules into RESTFul web-services

Primary LanguageJavaScript

webservice.js - turn node.js modules into web-services


webservice.js is a somewhat opinionated node.js library that allows developers to easily create RESTFul web-services based on the exports of node.js modules. Having to deal with both implementing and consuming 100s of web-services over the past ten years, I've grown bitter of web-services with arbitrary restrictions, poor documentation, and piles of boiler-plate code. webservice.js tries to solve these problems by implementing RESTFul principals in a much more relaxed fashion.

webservice.js also plays very nice with node's httpServer and other middleware frameworks ( such as Connect ).


  • Instantly create a RESTful web-service from a node.js module
  • Built-in JSON-schema validation for incoming data provided via Resourcer
  • Data can be posted to any webservice.js end-point as JSON, query string, or form data.
  • By default, HTTP Verbs and Content-Type are not strictly enforced
  • Built-in JSONP support


  • Regular node.js modules are automatically transformed into API methods for your web-service
  • Can export as an httpServer request handler
  • Can export as an httpServer instance
  • Works as a middleware in Connect or stack
  • Can expose .coffee files as web-services
  • Auto-documentation of all your web-services

Regular JavaScript methods are automatically transformed into API methods for your web-service. Data can be posted to any webservice.js end-point as JSON, query string, or form data. By default, HTTP Verbs, Content-Type, and are not strictly enforced. Content-type


installing npm (node package manager)

  curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

installing webservice.js

  npm install webservice

Setting up a webservice

As a standalone webservice server

var webservice = require('../lib/webservice'),
    demoModule = require('./modules/demoModule'),
    colors     = require('colors');


console.log(' > stand-alone json webservice started on port 8080'.cyan);  

As a handler for http.Server

var http       = require('http'),
    ws         = require('../../lib/webservice'),
    demoModule = require('../sample_modules/demoModule'),
    colors     = require('colors'),
    handler    = ws.createHandler(demoModule);


console.log(' > json webservice started on port 8080'.cyan);  

Using Connect

var connect    = require('connect'),
    server     = connect.createServer(),
    webservice = require('../../lib/webservice'),
    demoModule = require('../sample_modules/demoModule'),
    colors     = require('colors');




console.log('Connect server running on port 3000 with webservice.js'.cyan);

Using stack

var http   = require('http'),
    colors = require('colors');


console.log(' > Stack server with webservice.js middleware started on port 8080'.cyan);

Using Coffeescript

Using Coffeescript with webservice.js is very simple. There are no changes that need to be made for Coffeescript to work, just follow the example @ https://github.com/Marak/webservice.js/blob/master/examples/Coffeescript/server.coffee


this.title = "Welcome to your webservice!";
this.name = "demo api module";
this.version = "0.1.0";
this.endpoint = "http://localhost:8080";

exports.echo = function(options, callback){
  callback(null, options.msg);
exports.echo.description = "this is the echo method, it echos back your msg";
exports.echo.schema = {
  msg: { 
    type: 'string',
    optional: false 

exports.ping = function(options, callback){
    callback(null, 'pong');
  }, 2000);
exports.ping.description = "this is the ping method, it pongs back after a 2 second delay";


Once you have started up your web-service, visit http://localhost:8080/docs


tests are good. npm install vows, then run:

 vows test/*


Marak Squires