
Parse reading db error

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Loading DB...
Connecting to MySQL server: Server=localhost;Port=3306;Username=root;Database=wpp;CharSet=utf8;ConnectionTimeout=5;
Could not find specified column in results: SoundEntriesID1
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.ResultSet.GetOrdinal(String name)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(String name)
at WowPacketParser.SQL.SQLDatabase.LoadBroadcastText() in C:\projects\wowpacketparser-191\WowPacketParser\SQL\SQLDatabase.cs:line 154
at WowPacketParser.SQL.SQLDatabase.LoadSQL() in C:\projects\wowpacketparser-191\WowPacketParser\SQL\SQLDatabase.cs:line 80
at WowPacketParser.SQL.SQLConnector.ReadDB() in C:\projects\wowpacketparser-191\WowPacketParser\SQL\SQLConnector.cs:line 111
Finished loading DB in 00:00:02.412.

Using last parser commit and last tc database up to date

Sounds like an issue with you not running latest TC ๐Ÿ˜‹

Ok thanks Max going to try again

it IS bugged

Is the newest nightly build including that fix?

yes sir

thank you!

Parser works nicely now, people must make sure to enable the db and add master, hotfix and wpp database from (wpp) and latest db world + hotfix from master branch + the updates in it: +