
PhaseId has incorrect type

Closed this issue · 2 comments

After parsing sniff file from rtl game 49741 I have the issue with data in PhaseId column. In DB creature/gameobj column has integer type, in parsed file it's a string.

INSERT INTO `creature` (`guid`, `id`, `map`, `zoneId`, `areaId`, `spawnDifficulties`, `PhaseId`, ...
(@CGUID+0, 174971, 2261, 10424, 10639, '0', '15284 - 14355 - 15286 - 13753 - 14349', ...

Looks like a bug.
If I missed some config, let me know, please.

WPP ver. a0f17cc

Thats intended. Wpp shows every active Phase on Player.

mdX7 commented

working as intended, you have to figure out the related phase of the npc (its either one of the listed ones or 0) by trying to despawn/spawn him (e.g. by doing quests, abandoning quests) etc.
Rule of thumb is that an attackable npc is phase 0