
Add israel this system AIS

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hi from I experience u need use paid user and after than u can scan every 30 sec.
This better chose.

  1. We have no such amount of money to enable all AIS places
  2. The issue is from login. Even though you scan per 30 seconds, it will ultimately be kicked off by the system and need to re-login. If the login events are too much, the IP address will be banned forever. We just checked this morning that two servers are still being banned by the AIS system.
  3. Both the account and the IP address can be banned. If your paid account (and we use it as the crawler's data source) is banned, who will bear the financial loss?
  4. We have already experimented with CGI system but actually no one would like to give their paid account for our crawler, because of (3).

From my experience must use resdtial proxy ip fast one, and delete cookies.
Maybe u can help with israel I will pay u just send me we chat.


Do you mean We have already use this technique to fetch data.

Do you have any recommendations about the VPN IP pool?

Ans it's work ?

It won't help this project and actually our version of crawler was developed earlier than this one.

What's your email?

Oh I see a lot of email in spam... Sorry about that.