
SRV records returns is not DNS safe?

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$ triton instance tag set -w admin-test
triton instance tag set: error (ValidationFailed): error adding tags: Invalid tag parameters
tags: Invalid: "foo:1234" is not DNS safe

This is CNS-147. Vmapi still needs an update to resolve the issue.

I have upgrade the cns to the latest. And I can add tags like foo:1234 but there's still no SRV record when I dig?

@Adel-Magebinary Sorry for the delayed response, but what name are you supplying to dig? The SRV records are created on the actual service name, so you would have to do dig SRV to see the records.

If they're still not there, it would be great if you could proceed to find the cns-updater log entries for the VM so we can see what's going on (how to do this is described in the CNS Operator Guide)

@arekinath , Yes! thanks. I found the SRV record. Can you please let me know why it is on the svc level instead of Cheers.

Closing. This was fully resolved some time ago.