
Update Settings to SQLDev 22.2.0

PhilippSalvisberg opened this issue · 1 comments

The formatter results in SQLDev 22.2.0 are different to SQLDev 22.1.3. Ensure the results are reasonable for the most current version of SQLDev and SQLcl.

The following is shown in the Messages - Log window:

Mising order_by_clause___0; had to reset format program

order_by_clause___0 is a newly introduced grammar symbol. It's used in the following queries of the original Arbori program in SQLDev 22.2.0:

  • simpleIndentConditions (:breaksAfterSelectFromWhere & [node) order_by_clause___0 & [node^) order_by_clause)
  • _extraBrkBefore (:breaksBeforeComma & [node^) order_by_clause___0 & [node) ',')
  • _extraBrkAfter (:breaksAfterComma & [node^) order_by_clause___0 & [node) ',')
  • pariwiseAlignments1 ([predecessor) order_by_clause___0 & [node) ',')

Due to the check for order_by_clause___0 the original Arbori program is used instead of the custom Arbori progam. As a result the formatting results are different.