A small project to create a Huffman-tree-based Encoding-Decoding based on a set of numbers and their frequencies. Make command to build the executable program within the project directory:
user@user:path/to/directory$ make
We managed to make the program accept at least two elements as a starting set to code :
The next example :
user@user:path/to/directory$ ./HuffmanTree 1 7 7 8 9 6 2 2 2 22 2 22
would give the next output :
Coding :
Value: 7 | Huffman code: 000
Value: 1 | Huffman code: 001
Value: 9 | Huffman code: 010
Value: 8 | Huffman code: 011
Value: 2 | Huffman code: 10
Value: 22 | Huffman code: 110
Value: 6 | Huffman code: 111
Decoding :
Huffman code: 000 | Value: 7
Huffman code: 001 | Value: 1
Huffman code: 010 | Value: 9
Huffman code: 011 | Value: 8
Huffman code: 10 | Value: 2
Huffman code: 110 | Value: 22
Huffman code: 111 | Value: 6