
Make the --run flag default

Closed this issue · 8 comments

let's admit, nobody compiles the code and never runs it.

Just make another flag like --norun/-nr if you really don't want to run it as soon as compilation is finished.

let's admit, you've changed your username too many times for no reason.

Just change back to your normal username if you really want to change your username again.

That actually makes no sense

What does my name have anything to do with this

Also not a new name, a new account.

well you changed the name of your old account too :P

once :P Also nice you reopened it, you finally agree :)

It means I'm considering it :P

And also I don't want you to open another issue so... xD

Alternatively, perhaps I could replace --run with 2 subcommands: ppc build and ppc run? This is apparently done in both Rust and Go, which makes it a well-known syntax.

what was I thinking?
this should not be default at all
- mytopdog, 2019-10-21 20:46