
Complete free-style syntax?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

operator +;
operator /;
operator =;
operator &;

// Never called
macro (a)++ {

// Never called
func (a) & (b) {

func (a) ++/ (b) -> ... {

func (a)==(b) -> ... {

func if (a) then (b) else (c) {

// Never called
func do (a) {

// Never called
func something -> ... {


func do something {

func do something else using (a) & (b) {

let x = ...;
let y = ...;
let var = ...;
let multiword var = ...;

if x++/y==123 then /* this does `(x ++/ y) == 123` */
    do something /* this does `do something` */
    do something else using var & multiword var; // this does `do something else using (var) & (multiword var)`

I'll make a list of possible features here and fill in which ones I think P+ should have:

  • Defining of operators
  • Mixfix
  • Mixing between operators and names in a function name as long as they are separated by args (i.e. let (var) = (val) would be allowed, but not doThat&ThatWith (something))
  • Full mixing of operators and names in a function name (even doThat&ThatWith (something) would be allowed)
  • Allow spaces (and any other whitespace?) in variable names
  • Allow spaces (and any other whitespace?) in function names
  • Custom precedence
  • Allow variables and functions to start with numbers

Pros and cons with each feature

  • Defining of operators:
    + Allows user-defined operators in libraries, you can define any character as an operator
    - Requires a new operator keyword or similar which makes the language bigger, therefore raising the learning curve
    - May cause confusion if a seemingly normal character (i.e. c) is defined as an operator

  • Mixfix:
    + Allows for cool stuff like if ... then ... else ... and (arr)[(index)]
    + Makes it possible to define many more previously built-in language features
    + Makes some code easier to read
    - May cause confusion in certain cases if misused
    - Will probably make the compiler slower
    - Would it even be possible to parse?

  • Mixing between operators and names in a function name as long as they are separated by args:
    + Makes it possible to define even more built-in language features like let (var) = (val)
    + Makes some code easier to read
    - May cause confusion, more than with normal mixfix
    - Will probably make the compiler slower
    - Would it even be possible to parse?

  • Full mixing of operators and names in a function name:
    + Allows for almost any function name
    - Feels pretty useless?
    - Would it even be possible to parse?

  • Allow spaces (and any other whitespace?) in variable names:
    + Allows for more possible function names
    - May cause confusion
    - Would it even be possible to parse?

  • Allow spaces (and any other whitespace?) in function names:
    + Allows for more possible variable names
    - May cause confusion, might make it harder to distinguish variables and functions
    - Would it even be possible to parse?

  • Custom precedence:
    + You can specify precedence for your functions
    - May cause confusion if precedence is unnatural
    - Is it even necessary in the first place? Implicit precedence might just work fine
    - Requires you to specify precedence instead of it being implicit, but perhaps make it optional?
    - Makes the language bigger, therefore raising the learning curve

  • Allow variables and functions to start with numbers:
    + More possible variable names
    - You could name a variable something like 0x123 and that could make it get confused with hexadecimal numbers

Defining of custom operators done in #230

Everything else checked now also done :D