
Material repair ingredients have their matching stacks accessed before tag reload, bricking them.

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Ingredient caches the result of getMatchingStacks() when it's called, and it's possible to call the method before tags are actually loaded - this causes Ingredient to permanently contain the incorrect list of stacks from before the tag was actually loaded, breaking its usage in recipes.

miapi does this in with several calls to getMatchingStacks(), and truly modular armory calls test() in the same place via assignStats.

This is presumably because MiapiReloadListener is running before TagManagerLoader - when it needs to run after. If architectury allows you to set a dependency on the tag reloader, go ahead and do so.

The result is that the repair ingredient for wooden and stone tools becomes completely empty, preventing them from being repaired at an anvil.

We caught this because our own mod (Tinkerer's Smithing) has a mixin designed to prevent it from happening - here's a nice log of that happening for more detail and a stack trace:

Here's a screenshot of a wooden pickaxe being non repairable when this mod is installed.


huh? thats weird, reading a tag does brick it?
well anyways guess ill just delay truly modulars reload logic until after the tags are setup

You can look at the logic of Ingredient.getMatchingStacks() yourself - here's a screenshot

it's a pretty silly hazard in vanilla.

cool, ig i should just mixin into minecrafts reload logic and trigger after the initial loading is through to start miapis logic

in fabric you have IdentifiableResourceReloadListener that handles this:


not sure what you have access to for forge.

actually the architectury implementation supports dependencies, so ig ill use that

So, hey, i tried architecturies implementation and while it seems to work ( i checked with mixins to verify the tag logic was executed prior to my logic) the issue perssisted.
any ideas why that could be? otherwise im just gonna experiment arround until i find a fix

try installing Tinkerer's Smithing 2.6 - it'll log if you're causing the issue

it'll also workaround the issue, so trust the log not the behaviour.

i can check that im breaking it in local dev, if i comment my code out it stops breaking, i was just asking if you knew another reason that might be causing it other than beeing called prior to the tagloader

nvmd, figured it out, we accessed stuff from the worker thread

fixed in latest release