About the running time of ssclp
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Hello~ When I ran this command (python deepconcolic.py —model ../saved_models/mnist_complicated.h5 —criterion ssclp —mnist-data —outputs outs) to run Concolic Sign-sign-coverage (MC/DC) for DNNs on the MNIST model, I ran it for two days and still stuck in the place where the constraints were solved, as shown in the figure below.
The size of the LP problems can be quite large indeed; also the performance of LP solvers may vary significantly on those problems. By default, DeepConcolic selects a solver (CBC) that requires dumping each LP problem to a file in order to solve it, and this makes the whole process even more time and resource heavy.
DeepConcolic offers several possibilities to select a solver among a pre-defined list, like CPLEX for instance. Yet, using that solver requires installing and a bit of configuration. The first step for starts here, and after that normally setting PYTHONPATH to some value that depends on where you install CPLEX should suffice.