
Publication cover not showing, when set as Homepage background

dayowe opened this issue · 5 comments

dayowe commented

As the title says, when Header style Landing is selected and choosing Use the publication cover set on the Brand tab as your background, the publication cover is not shown. It does work when selecting "Search" as header style


Hey @dayowe, just checked this locally, and it works as expected. The image should be displayed on both Landing and Search styles. Would you mind sending a link to your site?

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen it if you're still experiencing the issue on your site.

Azar42 commented

Hi there, I was experimenting with switching between Source and other Ghost themes, and switching back seems to have broken the Background image being displayed using the Landing layout for me. Like @dayowe, it does appear in Search.

I tried downloading the code from the latest Source release on Github, but uploading and switching to that did not seem to shake this issue. I'll leave Source / broken Landing enabled on my site for now if it'll help you suss out the problem.

Here's a link to my site.

EDIT: Hmmmm, it seems like the Landing image IS showing when I'm logged out; when I'm logged in to my member account, it doesn't show. Is that the intended behavior?


Hey @Azar42, that is a very good point, and yes, it's intended. The landing header should only be visible to logged-out visitors, because it wouldn't make sense to show the landing CTA elements to the ones who are already member + logged in.

Azar42 commented

Hey @Azar42, that is a very good point, and yes, it's intended. The landing header should only be visible to logged-out visitors, because it wouldn't make sense to show the landing CTA elements to the ones who are already member + logged in.

Thanks for the response, and good to know I hadn't broken something -- thought I was going crazy, haha! I see what you mean by it "not making sense" in terms of showing them the sign-up field, though personally I'd argue that it does make sense aesthetically! I like having the big, colorful header there, as without it I think loading into the list view of stories is a bit bland (and I prefer this design to the "highlight" view). That's just personal opinion though, glad it's working and I'll let this closed thread rest in peace 😁