
Analytic utilities for the CAEN Digitizer DT5742.

Primary LanguagePython


Utilities that I wrote while working with the caen digitizers. These utilites are meant to be used with the files produced from Caen's wavedump software.

The files at this time include one main utility file called caen.py. The other files are all command line utilites that are used for quick analysis of the data. The command line utilities include a binary or ascii to json writer, writer.py, a quick plotter called plotter.py and a square wave counter called counter.py.

To use the library clone the repo. Later I will make a pip package.


Using plotter.py:

python plotter.py -o 1000 -t 10000 wave_0.dat

Using writer.py:

python writer.py -t 5 wave_0.dat output.json

Using counter.py:

python3 counter.py wave_0.txt