
Nitpick: Literal newline in `fabric.mod.json` of 0.2.0 artifact

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This doesn't seem to be a problem for the Fabric loader, but a strict parser like jq's will choke on literal newlines in strings.
Since it's not literal in the source:

"description": "This client-side mod makes bubble particles pop and lets them realistically rise to the water surface.\nIt also adds bubble particles to opening chests, opening barrels and explosions underwater.",

...I'm guessing the process of expanding templates is what introduces it.

Interesting, I did not know that happens. I'm pretty much just using the default build config from fabric's example mod, so I'm not sure how I could fix this permanently (sure I could just overwrite the fabric.mod.json when it's built, but I kinda don't want to do that every time). If you have any suggestions (except removing the newline lol), feel free to let me know

I found 2 mods which don't have the same problem, and they both have this in their build scripts:

expand(stringProperties) {
	escapeBackslash = true

Thank you for the observation, I will try this out

The extra line fixed this issue. All builds moving forwards will not have literal new lines in their fabric.mod.json 🎉

Thank you! I'll try and get that fixed in the Fabric mod template too.