
Some issues of poison armor

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Describe the bug
1.Taking poison damage from potion and effect clouds doesn't trigger poison armour's full set effect

Seems only occur when the poison damage is from potion or effect clouds.
For example: drinking poison potion, splash potion from the player own or witch, poison clouds from noxious staff and vile vanquisher.
When receiving attack like this, player will still take damage, the resistance potion is not given, the poison armour loses durability.
2024-05-24_12 02 22

Other kinds of poison damage directly from weapons and mobs don't have such issue.

  1. Poison-related attacks fail when wearing full poison armor.
    Mainly poison bow, toxin bow, attercopus, cave spider, and even normal spider. Their normal attacks are all canceled.
    2024-05-24_12 23 15
    2024-05-24_12 24 31

These two behaviors are all different from wither armor.