
Turn Mauls into Maces

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Both are blunt(?), both have KB-related mechanics, both have almost the exact same attack speed, but mauls are lacking in usefulness and are one-note. This would be a golden opportunity for them.

I also think Mace is in a (MOSTLY) balanced state now to where stronger Maces wouldn't be a terrible idea.

For damage, I think only the base damage would change. Compared to vanilla Mace's 5 base damage, I'm imagining 7-9 for midgame, and 10-12 for endgame to match with the low damage scaling of other weapon classes (and also being careful of smash attack scaling LOL).

I think the abilities will transition over pretty well, though whether Electron/Horizon should affect the target you hit or nearby mobs getting KB'ed instead is up to you.

I don't think we need the Maul-specific +0.5 range to carry over. Mace has some damn strong mechanics already