
Video sped up/audio out of sync

WonderfulSpivey opened this issue · 6 comments

When using your config without changing any settings anytime i open a video the video plays at a sped up speed and the audio is out of sync. Running Windows 10 with a GTX 1080, using the windows config. Have tested with several different file types and codecs, all with the same result.

thats odd, do you have the latest windows 10 and latest nvidia drivers?

did you also disable vsync on your desktop?

Enabling G-Sync in Nvidia Control Center has fixed the issue, I have a 244Hz monitor, is there a setting I can change in the config that won't require G-Sync to be on?

do you have vsync disabled in your control panel? that is the issue most probably - works fine without gsync here

any news to the situation? if not i would close the issue due to inactivity.

closed the issue due to inactivity.