
unknown keys

horusra opened this issue · 4 comments

 ipc: Starting IPC master

   osc: Opened config file script-opts/osc.conf.

 stats: Opened config file script-opts/stats.conf.

   osc: script-opts/osc.conf:16 unknown key seekranges, ignoring

 stats: script-opts/stats.conf:11 unknown key plot_cache, ignoring

 stats: script-opts/stats.conf:17 unknown key blur, ignoring

 cplayer: Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1

 cplayer: Set property: shared-script-properties -> 1

no clue what this is about
why is it expecting keys?


stats.conf:11 & 17

back when i put the settings together, it had some bonus functions. these will be excluded later on

the new update should patch up the issues you were having. sorry that it took me so long to get back to you. if it worked - would you kindly close the issue? :) dont want to close issues without seeing if it fixed it on your end.

Thanks, I can confirm the issue has been solved.