Only take first filter parameter
mateo2181 opened this issue · 2 comments
I want to filter related models with one to many relations but always is taken only the first parameter.
For example:
http://localhost:8000/p/profile/search?sport=8&residence_country=12 return only users with sport id 8 but not with residence country id 12.
http://localhost:8000/p/profile/search?residence_country=12&sport=8 return only users with residence country id 12 but not with sport id 8 .
Someone had this problem?
class User extends Authenticatable implements HasMedia, MustVerifyEmail
use HasRoleAndPermission;
use Notifiable;
use SoftDeletes;
use HasMediaTrait;
use Filterable;
use Messagable;
use Billable;
protected $table = 'users';
public function athlete()
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Athlete');
public function scout()
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Scout');
class Athlete extends Model
use DatesFormat;
use Filterable;
protected $table = 'athletes';
protected $fillable = [
public function residenceCountry()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Country','residence_country_id');
public function sport()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Sport')->withTrashed();
class Scout extends Model
protected $table = 'scouts';
protected $fillable = ['nationality_id', 'residence_country_id','user_id','sport_id','phone'];
protected $with = [
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\User','user_id');
public function sport()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Sport')->withTrashed();
public function residenceCountry()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Country','residence_country_id');
class UserFilter extends ModelFilter
public $relations = [];
public function fullname($name)
return $this->where(function($q) use ($name)
$names = explode(" ",$name);
return $q->where('firstname', 'LIKE', "%$name%")
->orWhere('lastname', 'LIKE', "%$name%")
public function sport($sport)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($sport) {
return $q->where('sport_id', $sport)->orWhere('secondary_sport_id', $sport);
})->orWhereHas('scout', function($q) use ($sport) {
return $q->where('sport_id', $sport);
public function gender($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('gender', $value);
public function age($value)
$arrayNumbers = explode('-',$value);
$ageFrom = (int)$arrayNumbers[0];
$ageTo = (int)$arrayNumbers[1];
$from = Carbon::now()->subYears((int)($ageTo+1));
$from = $from->format('Y-m-d');
$to = Carbon::now()->subYears($ageFrom)->format('Y-m-d');
if($this->input('typeUser') == 'Scout' || $this->input('typeUser') == '') return true;
return $this->related('athlete', function($q) use ($from,$to) {
return $q->where('date_of_birth','>', $from)->where('date_of_birth','<=', $to);
public function status($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('status', $value);
public function sportingGoal($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('sporting_goal', $value);
public function residenceCountry($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('residence_country_id', $value);
})->orWhereHas('scout', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('residence_country_id', $value);
public function nationality($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('nationality_id', $value);
})->orWhereHas('scout', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('nationality_id', $value);
This is going to be because you're chaining with OR
outside of subqueries. A model filter runs methods in the order it encounters the input. With your current model filter you're creating:
$sport = 8;
$residence = 12;
User::whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($sport) {
return $q->where('sport_id', $sport)->orWhere('secondary_sport_id', $sport);
->orWhereHas('scout', function($q) use ($sport) {
return $q->where('sport_id', $sport);
->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('residence_country_id', $residence);
->orWhereHas('scout', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('residence_country_id', $residence);
Which is why only one of your constraints is being matched.
Wrapping any method using an OR
statement in a subquery would fix this:
class UserFilter extends ModelFilter
public $relations = [];
public function fullname($name)
return $this->where(function($q) use ($name)
$names = explode(" ",$name);
return $q->where('firstname', 'LIKE', "%$name%")
->orWhere('lastname', 'LIKE', "%$name%")
public function sport($sport)
return $this->where(function($query) use ($sport)
$this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($sport) {
return $q->where('sport_id', $sport)->orWhere('secondary_sport_id', $sport);
})->orWhereHas('scout', function($q) use ($sport) {
return $q->where('sport_id', $sport);
public function gender($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('gender', $value);
public function age($value)
$arrayNumbers = explode('-',$value);
$ageFrom = (int)$arrayNumbers[0];
$ageTo = (int)$arrayNumbers[1];
$from = Carbon::now()->subYears((int)($ageTo+1));
$from = $from->format('Y-m-d');
$to = Carbon::now()->subYears($ageFrom)->format('Y-m-d');
if($this->input('typeUser') == 'Scout' || $this->input('typeUser') == '') return true;
return $this->related('athlete', function($q) use ($from,$to) {
return $q->where('date_of_birth','>', $from)->where('date_of_birth','<=', $to);
public function status($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('status', $value);
public function sportingGoal($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('sporting_goal', $value);
public function residenceCountry($value)
return $this->where(function($query) use ($value)
return $query->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('residence_country_id', $value);
})->orWhereHas('scout', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('residence_country_id', $value);
public function nationality($value)
return $this->where(function($query) use ($value)
return $this->whereHas('athlete', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('nationality_id', $value);
})->orWhereHas('scout', function($q) use ($value) {
return $q->where('nationality_id', $value);
Thanks you!! Now works perfectly!