
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'disabled') ― when trying to use custom template

viralhysteria opened this issue · 3 comments

I've been using aggr with a template I made last summer and I noticed today that all of a sudden no data is being served for any template I use except default. If I manually toggle each individual element, they reappear until the next reload, but they don't actually update value-wise. I'm not seeing anything in the commit log that can reasonably explain this change in behavior.


How the template should/used to look

How the template currently looks

This issue is replicated across any and all of the other saved templates I have as well.

I've linked the source code for the template externally because it's far beyond the character limit

Tucsky commented

This could be linked to deleted exchanges, and template still referencing them
I'm attempting a fix, is it loading ok if you hard refresh now?

yes, whatever you did worked and everything is functioning as expected now. thanks so much for the quick fix. i've been a bit lazy about removing the old exchanges.

Tucsky commented

i've been a bit lazy about removing the old exchanges.

You shouldn't have to bother about this, it's my mistake
Thanks for letting us know !